Thursday, January 10, 2008

Weight Loss vs. Safe Weight Loss - Points to Consider

Why are you limping? You don’t seem to have bare minimum appetite to do your job? And why are you growing so thin day–by–day? Ma’am I am actually on a diet and most of the time I skip my meals. Within a week I have almost shaken off 9-10 pounds. When I stood on the weighing machine I just couldn’t believe my eyes, but now I really feel tired even when I sit idle. Where did I go wrong?

George you were actually driven by the wild desire of losing weight by whatever way that may be. But dear there is a difference between weight loss and safe weight loss. You underwent the whole phenomenon omitting the ‘safe’ part of it. Safe weight loss includes exercises, dieting, swimming, cycling but without giving up eating. For more info visit

Do you know it is your eating habit that shapes your figure and physique? What you eat and how much you eat actually are to be considered. The secret behind good health and great physique lays in the ratio of how much calories you intake and how much you burn. The neutral effect has to be attained for maintaining an ideal weight. This is the key factor that shapes the basis of safe weight loss.

Do you think a weight-lifter skips his/her meals? Are you crazy? The amount of energy required by them to do that bulk of labor is immense. If they don’t have that much intake of calories, records can’t be created out of the blue. Now the importance lies in the ingredients of their diet. Similarly when you are planning for a weight loss safely, you have to follow an order of foods you consume.

It is necessary to give up high fatty foods but just don’t give up fats and carbohydrates, the basic energy giving nutrients from your diet. There’s a tendency in most of you that once you start dieting, your protein and mineral intake gets higher. This is also a wrong practice. Sometimes the results turn boomerang. Because you don’t achieve the balance in calorie intake and the calorie burnt you lose your weight loss goal.

George this is exactly what you have done. You have missed the energy providers in your foods and unnecessarily lifted the burden of rigorous exercises to reduce your waistline. In no time at all you have seen the difference but in the rush you have lost the liveliness in you. Is this what you really wanted? Wouldn’t it have been better if you had followed the safe weight loss tips?

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Lose Weight Fast – A Balanced and Simple Diet For All

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lose Weight Fast – A Balanced and Simple Diet For All

Don’t be fooled. There is no universal miracle diet, but there are some guidelines that if you follow, you will lose weight fast and be slim.

The way to lose weight fast is based on food choices, proportions and realistic aims.

What’s a healthy diet?

As there are now endless variety of diets it’s difficult to know exactly what is healthful and what isn’t.

To understand, let’s examine the basics regardless of the type of diet you follow.

Carbohydrate: 50-60%,

Protein: 10-20%

Fats Up to 30%.

This mix is accepted widely apart form “the far out diet community”, that go on about no fat or no carbohydrate and the way to lose weight.

In fact this is not a way to lose weight fast; it’s a way to get ill.

Think about it: If fat and carbohydrate were so bad why are they part of the natural food chain?

2. Self & portion control.

The majority of diets that lose weight fast are successful simply because they are very good at helping people to control themselves, and also to plan the food they will eat and how much.

You should eat at least 3 - 6 times a day and this will have the affect of eliminating hunger pangs and thus you will not over eat, but you must be sensible with portion control.

So what is portion control? Well think about it like this. You are eating in dinner you have meat vegetables and carbohydrate to consider.

Look at the palm of your hand and that’s the size of a baked potato you can have or as much chicken

By eating regularly you will suppress hunger and if you use the palm method of portion control you will be getting the right amount to eat

4. Variety.

All healthful diets have a minimum of 40 to 100 different food-types weekly.

Obviously the reason for this is by including a wide-variety of foods increases your chances of obtaining the required amounts of essential nutrients.

Foods are vitamin and mineral composition is food-specific and you need variety to get all the nutrients.

A good variety also keeps you from becoming bored and disinterested in lose weight fast diet and quitting before you have achieved your aim

Vegetables and Fruits

This means eating fruits and vegetables at least 5 times a day.

This can include frozen, canned, dried and pure juices as well as fresh. Also included in this group are beans, including baked beans, pulses and lentils.


Your diet should also include 5 portions of carbohydrates daily.

Eat as naturally as possible, so have brown rather than white rice wholegrain bread rather than white etc

This group includes breakfast cereals, pasta, rice, noodles, oats and other cereals, potatoes, bread and sweet potatoes.

Include at least one food from this group at each meal.

Dairy Products

2-4 servings daily is the recommended healthy eating level.

This will include milk; yoghurt and cottage cheese are included in this group, but not butter and cream.

Serving sizes in this group vary, depending on how concentrated the food is, e.g. 1 serving of milk is 175 ml, a serving of yoghurt is 125g and a serving of cheese is 50g.

Stick to these portions and go for low fat varieties i.e. skimmed or semi skimmed milk.

Animal Protein & Alternatives

2-4 servings daily choose low fat if your healthful eating plan is for losing weight. This group includes eggs, poultry, and meat and fish.

If any of these are processed food products they can be high in fat.

You must be very careful of processed foods. Also in your natural animal protein trim visible fat from meat and poultry.

Alternatives are non-meat sources of protein such as nuts, tofu, mycoprotein, textured vegetable protein (TVP) and kidney beans.

Fats & Sugars

Try to eat good fats and avoid sugar. Remember saturated fats are bad unsaturated fats are good.

The foods that are high in bad fat and/or sugar are butter, margarine, oil, mayonnaise, cream, crisps.

Soft carbonated drinks, sweets and jams are also high in sugar.

Foods that are high in both fats and sugars are cakes, chocolate, biscuits, pastries and ice-cream.

However, a healthful diet does include fat.

These should as stated be only unsaturated fat e.g. olive, sunflower and corn oil.

You have heard about the benefits of oily fish, make sure you get at least 3 portions a week. They contain omega 3 and are great for overall health. Good sources include: Mackerel, sardines and salmon

The secret of losing it and keeping it off

The real way to lose weight fast is to lose weight at a steady pace and not crash diet, as the only way to lose weight fast longer term is to make sure you keep it off and losing weight fast means being realistic

Forget all the miracle diets, follow the above advice and you will lose weight fast and in a healthy manner.

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My Practical Weight Loss Diet

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Practical Weight Loss Diet

Certainly you must be wondering, what is the best weight loss diet. I mean I sure you realized by now you can get a six pack abs by eating fast food and snacks right? Those foods will bring your metabolism down like nobody’s business! Don’t panic yet, I am not saying that you cant have those food forever, once you have achieved your goal, you can have your favorite fast food or snacks occasionally and WHEN you have those food make sure you cherish it and chew it slowly so that you can really taste the flavor.

Here is the deal; there must be something that triggers you to make that decision to get on a weight loss diet right? You can’t just wake up one morning and say; “ Maybe I will lose some weight today.” It just doesn’t make sense. There must be some motivation, either is to bring your high cholesterol down, increase your fitness level and be healthier because you want to live long enough to see you grandchildren, or lose weight to be able to play sports with your children, to get that girl next door that you admire so much, to get into that beautiful sexy dress that your husband bought you or to gain your confidence and go out and have fun without being paranoid about your weight. There must be something that is so powerful and influential that drives you to make that decision about losing weight, this weight loss diet will help you achieve that!

My point is, when I ask you to eat with the intention of fueling your body with healthy food during the first 6 days of the week, Monday to Saturday and then only Sunday having your favorite food with your loved ones, don’t be disgusted or rebel! This is a practical weight loss diet, not a quick fix. It’s for long term. Think back on the motivation that drives you to take action in losing weight in the first place. You might say, “ Come on, don’t give me that crap and just give me the solutions!” Well, this is the main solution! You have got to have the desire to lose weight and do what it takes for you to achieve that goal. Now that your mindset is ready, then I can tell you what food you should eat and what to avoid for maximum fat burning in this weight loss diet, because without the strong mind set, you will give up easily. Trust me, have seen my clients getting gung ho at the beginning and fail because they don’t have that strong mind set and give up easily. We trainers can only supply you the tools and the path, you have got to use it and walk it, with a mind set of “ Its for myself and no one else! “

The big picture of the weight loss diet

The whole week will break down like this; Monday to Saturday, you will eat 4 –5 meals, healthy meals. They are the good fuel. Just think of yourself as Lamborghini Diablo, would you put as a super unleaded fuel or cheap leaded fuel that will make the car go slower and destroy it sooner or later? I think we all know the answer, If you answer leaded, give me an email, I want all your money cause you don’t care about a Lamborghini Diablo! Then comes the fun day, the Sunday! On Sunday you can have a controlled off day that is included in this weight loss diet, I meant control as in do not over eat until you cant walk! You can have your ice cream or your favorite pizza while watching football. Not happy enough? Well, this I just for 1 month. After one month, you see the results; I am sure you are going to continue my method until you get to your goals and maybe use it as a lifestyle.

Monday to Saturday Weight Loss Diet

The goal is to eat 4-5 small meals; the fifth is a small snack just in case you need it if your hunger is giving you difficulty to sleep. 4 to 5 meals a day! Omigosh! Don’t panic yet, these are small meals and you need them to keep your turbo engine running, keep that metabolism on fire. You need fuel to keep that fire burning right? This method keeps your blood sugar elevated and also keeps the insulin under control. You will feel energetic all day! Some people will advice you to calculate calories, that’s all good but it is difficult if you on a go and you are at a restaurant that serves a mix of food, that is very hard to calculate because we don’t know what exactly what is inside the mixture of food. On this weight loss diet, I am going to use a more practical approach here. For carbohydrates, use your fist for estimation. For example, how much of brown rice should I eat? Use your fist and that’s the amount. For protein, use your palm, like a palm of steak or chicken breast. Eat as much vegetable as you want but be careful on how the veggie is been cooked, drain out the gravy and oil from the vegetables. Use a teaspoon to measure the amount of oil to use and for cheese, the size would be the size of a thumb. Others use sparingly. This is the size of meal that you should be eating on each meal, by the end of the meal; you would not feel hungry, full but not super full. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of plain water to fill your stomach up and then wait. You will feel full later. For more effective results, drink a hot cup of coffee or tea after you meal. It you satisfy you.

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Can Eating More Often be the Answer to Weight Loss?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Can Eating More Often be the Answer to Weight Loss?

Everybody understands what a calorie is -- and everybody “knows” that the best way to lose weight is to begin eating fewer calories per day. Right?

Well, not so fast...

The problem with this way of thinking is that the human body does not burn calories based on a “24 hour day.” In fact, the 24 hour day is just an arbitrary interval of time, and it has no bearing on how your body burns calories.

You see, the human body burns calories in “real time” -- or in other words it burns calories as you eat them (it does not burn calories based on a 24 hour day).

This means that your daily caloric intake is almost meaningless when viewed all by itself.

For example, let’s take a typical dieter who skips breakfast, but who then eats 900 calories for lunch, 900 calories for dinner and 300 calories for a late night snack – for a total of 2,100 calories per day.

This dieter falsely “thinks” that their intake of 2,100 calories per day is the deciding factor in whether they lose weight or not – but in reality the deciding factor is something totally different...

The “deciding factor” lies in how many calories that they eat per “meal.”

For example, if that same dieter took those 2,100 calories per day and divided them evenly into 6 meals (350 calories for 6 meals = 2,100 calories) -- then their body would be able to burn much more of those daily calories throughout the day.

Consequently, the dieter would seriously increase their weight loss results if they did this.

Why is this true?

Simple, because your body burns calories as you eat them, and if you feed your body too many calories at any single “sitting” then the excess calories from that sitting cannot get burned and may wind up stored as fat tissue.

However, if you eat fewer calories per “sitting” then your body has a better chance to burn all of those calories, and if it burns all of the calories at any given meal then your body will be forced to begin burning stored fat tissue for any additional energy that it may need before your next meal (which equals fat loss for the dieter).

So if you eat fewer calories per “meal” but increase the number of meals throughout the day, then you can begin losing more weight while still eating the same number of calories per day (you’ll just be doing it via a greater number of meals each day).

So when a dieter uses this method of dieting the “overall calories” consumed each day would be the same, but yet the dieter’s body would be able to more efficiently burn those calories on a “per meal” basis – and thus the dieter will lose more weight each day.

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