Thursday, August 2, 2007

Diet Pills - Do They Work Or Not

Diet pills have become a world-wide fad. It seems that every time I end up on a weight loss website I can't click around in the site without seeing some type of reference to a diet pill or one trying to be sold to me. This made me wonder, do diet pills really work? Recently, the United States banned ephedra based pills due to the ingredients that were used. Since then, there seems to be all types of pills that use natural ingredients and herbs that promise to lose you weight.

Lately, I have been seeing advertisements for a pill called Proactol. It is said to be a "clinically proven fat binder." What it does in essence is binds over your fat intake. It reduces the amount of calories per meal that someone would take in from fats. On top of that benefit, it also promises to significantly reduce your appetite and any cravings you may have.

What I have learned is that Proactol does work, but you have to diet and exercise also. If you do not combine diet and exercise it will work, but not nearly as good.

After taking the pill I felt like my strong appetite was almost gone. I was skeptical at first taking this pill that it would end up like every other pill I have taken before, but it really does seem to work. On top of that there have been numerous clinical studies and it is MHRA approved.