Monday, July 16, 2007

Why It's Just Best To Face Reality

I deal a lot with fat loss, that’s pretty much known by now. And I’ll say that most people diving into a fat loss program have great intentions. But most of those people don’t last very long. Why is that? One reason is because the way most trainers tell you how to lose weight make it a long process so they quit (that fact has been shown in more than a few studies). But I think the biggest reason most people quit their fat loss programs are because they just can’t face their current reality.

What do I mean? A lot of people have great INTENTIONS like I mentioned a second ago. A lot of those same people, though, don’t have the proper desire and determination to actually do anything with those intentions. People say all the time that they’ll start exercising on Monday and then never do (they know they won’t do it when they say it too). I’ve done it. It’s a common thing done by people. We constantly tell ourselves little lies to make it okay that we’re not being healthy today.

We don’t face the reality that we have a problem and NEED to fix it IMMEDIATELY. We all have to do a reality check and see where we currently are in our life so we can start to make the positive changes that will help us become healthier and happier. If you aren’t happy with your life that’s instantly telling you that something might not be right and needs to be evaluated. If you’re overweight and know it (which most people do) make the COMMITMENT to make a change RIGHT NOW!

You have to make that commitment and figure out a way that you can stick with that commitment. Put a picture of your kids in your gym bag so every time you’re ready to workout you will be reminded that you’re doing this to have more time with them. Post your goals by your bed so they are the first thing you see every morning and the last thing you see every night. That will allow you to stay focused on them more. Those are just a couple ideas. I know you can come up with some great creative ways to stay focused and motivated.

The first step to this all as mentioned above is that you have to truly admit you’re overweight and have to change to make your life healthier. Take over your addictions to pop, chocolate, beer, whatever. Just choose to start dominating your life for the better so not only you will change, but the world around you will change as well.

Stop dodging the facts, accept them, and then change them. I know you can do it. That’s why you’re reading this right now.