Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Concern For Those Wanting To Lose Weight

I see many people in my line of work that want to lose weight. They feel big, fat and unhealthy. But are they really trying to lose weight for the right reasons?

There are two main reasons why people would want to lose weight. First, for medical reasons - to protect their health. Secondly, for cosmetic reasons - to look better.

Sadly, the vast majority do it for the latter reason - to look better. Or putting it another way, to conform to an acceptable standard or stereotype. And, yes, it is mainly women.

Looking better and feeling good about yourself is fine. Well, almost. We all like to look good which is why we comb our hair and wash off dirt. We wear clean clothes and shave when needed.

But losing weight for cosmetic reasons is not a health related issue. You don't need a doctor to advise you. You don't need prescribed pills or fancy medical potions. As a doctor, I am not interested in people that might want to lose weight just to look better.

I am interested in people that want to get and stay healthy. Obesity kills and it kills in vast numbers. Being fat means your heart, lungs, kidneys and liver are all under strain. Your joints bear the brunt of your increased mass and you are more likely to develop diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

I am fully prepared to help people to lose weight if it is for their health. My health service funds it and funds it well. But this should not be funded just because people want to look more acceptable.