Thursday, November 22, 2007

Weight Loss and Diet -- How to Go about It

Eat less fat, that’s the master key to have control on your weight. You have heard this a thousand times from all your well wishers. But it might be a fistful of those who have actually helped you out with the right diet for checking your weight.

Even you are aware that weight loss and diet go hand in hand. But this universal truth should be framed out tactfully in every particular case and then can you see a successful change in your story of weight and shaking it off.

Fat does carry excess calories that must be burnt and nullified to reduce the chances of its accumulation in your body. But at the same time it is this fat, an essential source of energy to keep your body active. What’s important is basically an awareness of calories present in the fat food in facts and figures. A general comparative study has shown that fatty substances carry 9 calories per gram in respect to proteins which is just 4 calories per gram. Similar is in case of the carbohydrates.

Just by cutting out fatty foods on your diet will not create weight loss alone, you need to consider your overall calorific intake. So frame your diet with not just fat free stuffs but with the exact amount of calories you require for a healthy living. Instead of depriving yourself from an entire universe of delicious items, go by the simple rule that is eat as much as you require and not give up on your favourite things.

Your weight loss should be on par with your health. Don’t go by the instant being slim and thin magic, but pay a heed to your health which will keep you fit and add a stream of happiness to your life. Stop worrying unnecessary about your weight. Try to maintain a record of what you are eating and when you are eating those.

The routine should be such that at regular intervals of time you do have something to eat. Don’t ever skip your meals. The breakfast should be heavier than the supper. There’s a common tendency among those who start to practice dieting that they often keep themselves starving and fasting. Actually an empty stomach is a bigger source of further damage to you health. You can develop gastric problems and ulcers in the stomach. So why pay for such damage in the race of making yourself skinny like a Hollywood glam doll? Eat healthy and keep fit! Just enjoy the life you already have for once.

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Are you serious about losing weight? 10000 people have already done it!