Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weight Loss Pill

Why is it that everyone is looking for the easy way out. One of the latest fads is a weight loss pill. What happened to self-control, exercise and sensible eating. Next, I suppose we will need a pill to gain weight, a pill to Make us taller, or shorter, or more beautiful. In fact a pill for everything we want. We live in a world of instant gratification.

Why am I against a weight loss pill, or most pills, for that matter? Well, for one thing I believe that any pill, or drug, that interferes With nature must, inherently have some side effects, maybe even serious side effects. Just read the notes that come with many drugs and check the side effects. Often These seem worse than the original problem.

For God’s sake what is wrong with having some measure of self-control, of taking responsibility for our own actions. Many overweight and obese people who may take a weight loss pill will, no doubt, stuff themselves with even more fast foods, biscuits, sweets, coke, beer and pizzas. They may think ‘’ Oh! I’ll just pop another weight loss pill and I’ll be OK ‘’.

Next time you go to the supermarket just check out the shopping trolleys of overweight people. I’ll guarantee they are loaded with fast foods, convenient packaged foods, beer, cokes, ice creams, doughnuts etc. The trolley will probably be packed to the brim or over flowing.

Isn’t it about time we got back to good old fashioned values?
Isn’t it time we ate sensibly and for good health?
Isn’t it time we got off our backsides and did some exercise?
Isn’t it time to be responsible for ourselves, for our health and well being?
Isn’t it time we learned to say NO to the easy way out?

A weight loss pill may have some advantages for those people, who through no fault of their own, have an inherent weight problem. For most people…forget about a weight loss pill. After all it was your lack of self-control that caused you to be overweight. Shouldn’t you do something to lose weigh, get fit and healthy….. Not a weight loss pill.

Related posts:
Weight Loss - The DEW Method - Part 1
Are you serious about losing weight? 10000 people have already done it!